Bénédictine DOM
A truly delicious French liqueur, Bénédictine DOM was originally created as an elixir to keep working monks at work. D.O.M. stands for "Deo Optimo Maximo", which means "To the Best, the Greatest God". The flavor is very infused with spices and herbs. Rich and aromatic.
27 ingredients of herbs and spices are used to produce the liqueur. Almost on the 500th anniversary of the production of this liqueur, the Benedictine monastery at Fecamp on the Normandy coast burned down. The monastery was destroyed during the French Revolution and has since been made by Alexander Le Grand.
Don Bernado Vincelli created this liqueur for the monks to ward off malaria, as the monastery was close to the marshes, but like everything else, it was not a cure for malaria. It kept the monks in good spirits at work and was the first ever medicinal liqueur. You can smell a plethora of spices and fruity aromas - cloves, cardamom and liquorice mingled with honey, caramel and a little orange coming through.
The bottles are filled at 40 % alcohol and 0,7 l in volume.
Colour: light brown
Nose: spices, fruit, cloves, liquorice, cardamom
Taste: herbs, honey, caramel, orange
alcohol, water, sugar, vegetable substances, colorant: caramel