Different types of wine glasses: how to choose from them?

Few can resist a quality wine. Whether you like red, white or sparkling wine, you should know which glasses best bring out their unique flavours.
You may have never considered that there may be more than one type of wine glass. But the truth is that they really do differ in certain details. The shape of the glass is very important to the quality of the wine (and other alcohol as well). It depends on its material, size and stem. Just the right glass can bring out the full flavour of the wine as well as show off its beautiful colour. The main criteria you should consider when choosing are - the material of the glass, the size and the shape of the glass. The flavour of this grape spirit will be most noticeable in a glass made of clear glass. Forget coloured, milky or cut glass. Glasses with embossing are not suitable either. The glass should be large enough to allow you to swirl it around without spilling the wine. The size of the glass varies for different types of wine. To prevent the wine from overheating, you need to hold the glass by the stem. You will learn about the shapes of glasses for red, white and sparkling wines in the following lines.
White wine in a closed glass
How do you recognise the right white wine glass? It has several characteristics. The first is that it is slimmer than a red wine glass. If you look closely, you will see that it has a 'closed' shape, i.e. it tapers upwards. In this way, it keeps the wine's aroma nicely inside.
Bold red wine
"The 'glass of red' is rounder and more open towards the top. It also has a shorter stem than a glass of white wine.
Flute shape for sparkling wines and sparkling wines
The last and most typical group are sparkling wines, which we toast with at weddings and other celebrations. Their glasses are interesting because they are slender and are called "flutes." Their narrow shape is what makes their effervescence stand out.
This division is far from definitive. Some brands, such as Bordeaux, Merlot or Pinot Noir, even have their own glasses that allow the flavours and aromas of the wine to stand out.
If you want to order a quality wine through a reliable e-shop, head to our Bondston. We have a huge selection of wines that you'll receive in as little as two days.