Toison Navy Strength is a gin that originated in the days of the British Royal Navy in the 18th century, when gin was a common part of ships' equipment and was used to strengthen the crew.
Toison Navy Strength gin is a premium, specially distilled gin with a distinctive strength of 57 %, which was not chosen at random - it is at this strength that the alcohol does not lose its ability to ignite the gunpowder stored on ships. Thus, if the 57 % alcohol gin was spilled and mixed with gunpowder, the gunpowder retained its combustible properties, which was essential for the safety and functionality of the ships' equipment.
Navy Strength gin is characterised by its intense flavour and aroma of juniper, meadow herbs, flowers and spices with a subtle touch of citrus notes such as grapefruit, lemon and orange.
This gin will remind you of more than just a legend - it's a gin that embodies strength, quality and an adventurous spirit. Toison Navy Strength gin is a symbol of naval history, determination and adventure.