This Caribbean elixir 327 XO Rum is a blend of specially selected aged rums from Guyana, Guatemala, Panama and Venezuela. The addition of natural extracts has created an unexplored premium spirit. Unique double maturation is the method used to finish the rum blend with exceptional tropical notes.
Double maturation results in an exclusive aged rum. All rums are aged for at least 7 years in the Caribbean tropics in a variety of barrels, giving them a smooth and sweet flavor. For secondary maturation, the blend is sent to Europe. High quality spring water from the north is used to dilute the blend to 40 % ABV.
So you get hot tropical and cold Nordic characters together in one bottle!
Interestingly, the rum was named in honour of the year the sugar cane was first discovered, which began the history of rum. The story of rum began when Alexander the Great's men discovered sugar cane - "the cane that makes honey without bees" - during the Indian campaign in 327 BC.
Colour: dark mahogany
Nose: tropical fruit, citrus, vanilla
Taste: caramel, honey, molasses, tropical fruit